Our services
Evaluate, categorize and structure the mods for your game
Recommend, design and build a hosting platform
Build a monetization and growth strategy
Help you recruit and retain talented modders
Providing our own content modding team to create bespoke, quality content
Resource and staff your platform with the right people
Build e-commerce tiers and self-service into your product
Plug in service APIs
Build a reward scheme while pushing your profits into higher growth
Offering you DLC service packs to sell for your games
In the world of gaming, few phenomena have had as profound an impact as mods.
The longevity of a game is determined by the diversity and strength of its modding community. By investing in modding, we know we can keep your game active for many years to come.
Don't let your modding scene fall away. Let us help you make it grow.
Long term growth and yield
Building a strong, frictionless modding pool of talent is crucial to a game's longevity and growth.
Enthusiasm for modding is driven by the game's newness, popularity and community feedback, but modders become tired of games and tend to leave.
You can stop this now - help talented people make a career out of their passion.
Retain your talent and keep growing.
Finding the right model is crucial, as is setting the tone. Modding is undergoing a renaissance as people who have created great content for years are beginning to realise, through models like Patreon, that they can monetize their art,
Why are you letting your profits go to another platform? Host mods yourself and build long term growth into your product today by implementing a great monetization and reward strategy.